Pugpig Glossary
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
access based
The entitlement model in which an active subscriber has access to all content, but loses the access when their subscription lapses (for example like Netflix or Spotify)
archive timelines
Collections that are used to allow you to reprocess a large number of old articles into the Distribution System
Atom feeds
Atom is the name of an XML-based Web content and metadata syndication format. It is very similar to RSS. https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html
Audience Strength
Indicates the relative size of the group conducting online research for a topic
Amazon Web Services
bolt widgets
Also known as 'cards' bolt widgets are the individual components that make up timelines such as article, carousel, audio, video, search widgets.
A component containing a heading, body text and possibly images that is separated from the main body of an article
A key point pulled out of the article intended to draw more focus to it
The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
Command line
Content Delivery Network
A content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed group of servers that work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content.
Cross-origin resource sharing, https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It's a technology used to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. A CRM system helps organisations build customer relationships and streamline processes so they can increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability.
Content Security Policy, https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
Disabled people
The Social Model of Disability states that people have impairments, they do not have disabilities. According to the social model of disability, the term ‘people with disabilities’ is said to confuse impairment and disability and implies disability is something caused by the individual, rather than society. A Disability is caused by society’s unwillingness to meet the needs of people with impairments. As a result, the term ‘Disabled people’ is used to describe people with impairments who are disabled by barriers constructed by society. cf: https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/social-model-disability-language
The Pugpig Framework which determines where user info can be sent for analytics. It stands for Dimensions, User data, Tags, Attributes
dynamic timelines
Timelines that are powered by a search, normally on sections or authors
enhanced PDF
A Pugpig app mode that shows replica print pages (as PDFs) with hotspot links to the HTML version of an article, and back again
Follow Authors and Topics
Google Tag Manager
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
In App Purchases - these are purchased directly from the iTunes or Google Play or Amazon stores
issue based
The entitlement model in which a user only has access to specific issues which they own, and will have access to forever.
The Journal Article Tag Suite is an XML format used to describe scientific literature published online.
JavaScript Object Notation - a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax.
left-to-right (script) e.g., Latin
NITF is an XML standard designed to structure independent news articles.
Pugpig Application Manager
A secure OAuth flow which stands for Proof Key for Code Exchange. PKCE does provide some great security benefits for your apps, especially if your app runs on a public client. It is pronounced "Pixie"
public key
a non-secret cryptographic key that can be obtained and used by anyone to encrypt messages intended for a particular recipient
Pugpig URL Update Plugin - Used for canonical URLs
A format for representing editions, created by Google and used by XCago
right-to-left (script) e.g., Arabic
Software as a service (SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.
SFTP, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a secure file transfer protocol that uses secure shell encryption to provide a high level of security for sending and receiving file transfers
Signal Score
Indicates how big the spike is compared to a company's historical baseline for consuming content.
Spikes in Date Range
The total number of Intent signals detected during your specified timeframe
statement of work
A statement of work (SOW) is a document that provides a description of a given project's requirements. It defines the scope of work being provided, project deliverables, timelines and payment terms and conditions.
A collective term used to categorise or organise your content. For example, authors or sections (sport, technology)
A collective term used to categorise or organise your content. For example, authors or sections (sport, technology)
Time to live (as in life, not on-air) is the term of art expressing how long a cache entry will exist without revalidation.
XML Localization Interchange File Format